Reasonable hospitality at SATO

SATO's Code of Conduct prohibits bribery and corruption in all their forms

We never do anything that may affect our independence. SATO employees may only offer and accept reasonable hospitality.

In an uncertain or repeated situation a permission from the management group member of the employee's own organisation or CEO (hereinafter director) is required in advance. The director shall record in the management group's minutes the permissions for trips and other events he/she has given.

Reasonable hospitality is interpreted e.g. in the following way:

Lunches and similar occasions, which are arranged during working hours and do not exceed €100 in value, are acceptable. However, if a project is underway in cooperation with the partner in question, attendance is possible only with the director’s permission.

Dinners and similar occasions outside of working hours always require permission from the director given in advance, excluding topping-out evening ceremony, which includes in duties.

Extensive events targeted at the representatives of various parties and corresponding to large events arranged by SATO can be attended, but the employee's supervisor must be informed. Events organised by SATO and participation in them are subject to the President and CEO's decision.

Participation in trips and similar occasions requires permission given by the director in advance; SATO will pay the participant's travel and accommodation costs.

Anniversary presents from partners will not be accepted. It is recommended that anniversary presents be directed to charitable purposes. Other presents will be politely returned.

We will not receive Christmas gifts; they will be politely returned. SATO donates the Christmas gifts to charitable purposes and gives no other presents.

A gift from a consumer customer can only be accepted retrospectively. It can be a small box of chocolates, flowers or something similar. Repeated gifts from the same party will not be accepted.