
We bear our responsibility for homes, a fundamental human need. In addition to long-term business operations, wellmanaged assets and competent personnel, we want to work for the good of the customer and the environment, while at the same time contributing to the development of society, business and industry. We move towards carbon neutral cities.

Homes to stand the test of time

SATO is one of Finland’s largest rental housing providers. We have been experts in housing for more than 80 years, and hundreds of thousands of Finns live in homes built by us.

We acquire and build rental apartments in growth centres near good public transport connections and services, with an eye on long-term ownership. We participate in developing entire neighborhoods together with cities, and our goal is to build pleasant homes and diverse living environments for decades to come.

Sustainability guides our operations

We ensure profitable business in the long term, sustainably. The foundation of our sustainable business is uniform and transparent ways of working, open communication and reporting, and co-operation with stakeholders.

We enable our residents to live sustainably, and as a long-term owner, we take care of the value of our homes. We pay taxes to Finland. We also expect our partners to operate responsibly.

Sustainability programme

Our sustainability work is guided by SATOs strategy and sustainability programme, as well as themes that we have evaluated to be material based on discussions with our stakeholders. We have selected our sustainability focus in line with our strategic targets.

Sustainability report and objectives

Our sustainability reporting is based on the material aspects related to our business that have been identified in co-operation with our stakeholders and processed by SATO’s Management Group. In the report you will find, among other things, the 2023 sustainability objectives and their fulfilment, and their connection to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Upload the sustainability report 2023 (.pdf)

Carbon roadmap

In 2023, we drew up a carbon roadmap, which specifies the interim targets and actions that will help us achieve our goal of carbon neutrality for in-use energy consumption by the end of 2030.


In addition to the climate, the built environment also has a significant impact on nature, and the construction supply chains also have identified nature impacts. Biodiversity is one of the environmental themes of SATO’s sustainability programme, and our goal is to slow down biodiversity loss and improve biodiversity in housing development and in the areas where our existing buildings are located.

We take biodiversity into consideration in everything we do. We develop our competence at SATO and ensure that, going forward, our partners also have sufficient competence in biodiversity matters. In the upcoming years, we will also encourage our residents to participate in promoting biodiversity. We are continuously improving our actions to promote biodiversity as our understanding, competence and resources increase.

SATO's Osta vastuullisesti homes

An independent sustainability panel has ranked 15 of SATO’s rental buildings among the most sustainable choices presented on, a Finnish website providing guidance on sustainable consumer choices. The selected homes are i.a. energy efficient, and an excellent choice for residents looking for sustainable choices.

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SATO is one of Green homes participants

The residents of the 1,100 SATO rental homes included in Rakli's sustainability action recieve a yearly information pack including data of the houses carbon dioxide emissions, residents' water consumption, and recycling rate.

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SATO's main office has WWF's Green Office Certificate

WWF Green Office is certification and environmental management system developed maintained by WWF, the world's leading environmental organisation. For SATO, Green Office serves as one of our environmental management tools. With the help of the WWF Green Office system, we have built an environmental programme tailored to the needs of our office to reduce our carbon footprint and to use natural resources sparingly.

Certification by WWF ensures that our organisation meets the Green Office criteria and is working towards the goals of the environmental programme.

In the future, Green Office work will be assessed annually and audits by WWF will take place every three years.

Responsible Summer Job

In 2024, SATO placed second in Oikotie's Responsible Summer Job competition. The award was granted for consistently strong performance across all aspects of the summer job experience, with our responsibility index scoring an impressive 4.76 out of 5.