SATO articulates the recipe for a successful interaction: concept work yields promising results

4 June 2024

SATO's Recipe for Excellent Encounters concept has swiftly become a natural part of the everyday lives of SATO personnel, further improving customer satisfaction. The concept aims to ensure that customers receive a consistent and high-quality service experience at all interaction points.

Annina Rautio, SATO’s Customer Experience Manager, is pleased to see that the results of the concept work, initiated in 2023, are now clearly visible on multiple levels, from improved customer satisfaction to enhanced team spirit within the company.

"The development of the concept has been an interesting journey, beginning with the recognised need to create and articulate a unified approach to situations where we interact with customers, stakeholders, partners, and colleagues. From the start, it was clear to us that the work had to be done together with the entire staff and that the concept should extend to all forms of communication, whether digital, face-to-face, over the phone, or in writing," explains Rautio.

The concept work began by gathering SATO staff’s experiences and views on various interaction situations in a digital workspace. Simultaneously, customers' thoughts on how they would like to be approached were surveyed.

"The topic sparked lively discussion within the company, and we received numerous responses to the digital survey. Based on the collected data, we developed a service promise for each interaction situation in our working group," says Rautio.

Warmth and presence

As tools for good interaction, SATO has produced a guide, an online course, a visual summary of the service promise, and a deck of Excellent Encounters cards that explore the theme through questions. These resources remind SATO personnel of the importance of different interactions and provide tips for handling challenging situations.

"We aim to meet all individuals as unique persons - kindly, with active listening, respect, and by fostering an empathetic atmosphere. We respond quickly to contacts and keep our promises," describes Rautio.

The Recipe for Excellent Encounters naturally aligns with SATO's sustainability programme, which is committed to promoting diversity and reducing inequality in our society.

Customer satisfaction already at a high level

Rautio reminds us that SATO’s customer experience is comprised of many factors, with interaction situations playing a crucial role.

"Our customer satisfaction metrics have clearly risen over the past year, indicating broader success in many areas. At the beginning of 2023, we also introduced a new interaction meter to more precisely assess the smoothness of interactions," notes Rautio.

The development of the Recipe for Excellent Encounters as part of the broader improvement of customer satisfaction will continue by focusing next on SATO’s various operations. In a current project with the sales team, the focus is on how to integrate the principles of Excellent Encounters into the sales process and apartment viewings.

"We are currently focusing on the customer experience during apartment viewings to ensure that SATO’s way of operating is consistent and coherent across all stages of the process," says Laura Laamanen, SATO’s Chief Commercial Officer.

For more information, please contact

Annina Rautio, Customer Experience Manager
p. +358 40 863 4200,
Laura Laamanen, Chief Commercial Officer
p. +358 201 34 4360,

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