SATO’s architectural competition leads the way of sustainable housing development

20 November 2015

Jury impressed by the consistent approach of Huttunen Lipasti Pakkanen Architects

Organised to mark the 75th anniversary of the housing investment company SATO, the winner of the architectural design competition Responsible Building for Future is the proposal of Huttunen Lipasti Pakkanen Architects titled ”MinMaxMix”. The winning entry is praised by the jury for elements including diverse consideration for sustainability as well as its consistent and realistic approach.

Vice President Pasi Suutari from SATO:

- The aim of our competition was to gain new perspectives into sustainable living. We wanted to find a high-quality designer and outlines for the development of our anniversary site in Jätkäsaari, and at the same time make SATO lead the way of the sustainable housing development.

- The starting point for the jury’s work was high architectural standard and the practical realisation of responsibility from the perspective of the residents as well as environmental and economic sustainability alike. When selecting the winner, the jury appreciated a feasible good-quality overall plan.

Project Manager Matti Kaijansinkko from Helsinki City Planning Department:

- The winning proposal is tranquil and of high quality. The plan gives a fine starting point for the construction of the new sector of Jätkäsaari area.

Architect SAFA Anna Brunow from the Finnish Associaton of Architects SAFA:

- Whenever there is an architectural competition and the jury is out, there is a seed for an intensive discourse conserning different values. Now we had a new dimension for this discussion: sustainable construction. The concept is apt to describe the actions of SATO as a developer of homes. SATO is known to take into account all the variations and different aspects of the objectives involved in developing houses, e.g. environment, cityscape, comfortability of living, and durability.

- This is also the way the competition participants have understood the challenge. To promote the sustainability aspect, the architects were invited to create, together with the developer, a good environment for people to live in.

- The competition proposals were an excellent platform for the discourse of values. The winning proposal is a composed, sophisticated and functional entirety, and it can be regarded as a vanguard of the future city blocks in the middle of Jätkäsaari.

SATO organised the Responsible Building for Future architectural competition in cooperation with the City of Helsinki. Based on invitations, the competition concerned a plot of land for apartment buildings situated by Hyväntoivonpuisto park on Atlantinkatu street in the Jätkäsaari district of Helsinki for which SATO RentHomes and owner-occupied homes are planned.

The competition was launched in July and was participated in by six acclaimed architectural firms from the Nordic countries and elsewhere in Europe. The jury comprised representatives of SATO, the City of Helsinki and the Finnish Association of Architects (SAFA).

To see the winning entry and the jury’s statement visit


Additional information:

SATO Corporation
Pasi Suutari, Vice President, phone +358 201 34 4008 or +358 40 504 4292