How to prepare for electrical power cuts

Electrical power cuts possible on harsher wintertime – avoid problems and prepare well in advance

It is possible that there will be brief rolling electrical power cuts especially in tough winters if there is a national power shortage. Most of the time however electric power cuts are due to major renovations, and in such cases SATO will inform its residents well ahead. Please read this guidance and prepare for any power cuts well in advance to make sure your everyday life in your SATOHome will be as carefree as possible.

How to prepare in advance if there is a national power shortage:

Minimise your electrical load. Unplug chargers, modems and other electrical equipment whenever not using them.

Regularly test that your fire alarm works.

Check that you have the following in your home:

  • a battery-operated flashlight and batteries − you can also use the flashlight of your mobile phone provided that you have power left on your phone
  • drinking water − you can get a water canister that you can fill up or buy a large bottle of water in case of a power cut
  • food that does not require heating
  • a charged backup battery or travel charger may be needed for charging your phone
Information about electrical power cuts and energy saving in 12 languages

Electricity distribution companies will notify in advance of any power cuts − check your contact details

Local electricity distribution companies may send a text message to their customers to notify them in advance of any power cuts. Make sure your electricity distribution company has your mobile phone number. To check your details, see the online service available on the website of your electricity distribution company. Electricity distribution company websites also provide guidelines on how to save electricity and what to do if there is a power cut.

Things to remember during an electrical power cut

  • Unplug all chargers and electrical equipment to prevent damage caused by voltage surges when the power returns. You can leave one light on so that you will know when the power is back.
  • Check that your cooker is not switched on.
  • Unplug your car from the power socket and your electric car from the charging unit.
  • If it is dark during the power cut and you burn candles, make sure you are extra careful not to cause a fire.
  • Avoid using water. Do not have a shower. There will be no hot water available during a power cut and water pressure may drop. It may not be possible to flush the toilet in all homes during a power cut.
  • Keep the windows and balcony door shut to prevent heat loss. If indoor air feels stuffy when ventilation is switched off, only air your home for a very short time.
  • Keep fridge and freezer doors shut and only open them when necessary.
  • Do not use the lift. Lifts will not work during an electrical power cut. If you are stuck in a lift during a power cut, press the alarm button. You can also use your mobile phone to call for help. Do not panic, you will get help as soon as possible.
  • Door phones and door codes will not work during an electrical power cut. If your home building uses iLOQ digital keys, they will work normally just like a mechanical key.
  • If your home building’s indoor car parking facility has an electrically operated lift-up door, you will not be able to drive into the parking facility during a power cut. In case of an emergency, the door can be opened mechanically from the inside.
  • For safety reasons, avoid entering the common areas and indoor parking facilities during a power cut.

Short electrical power cuts not lasting more than a few hours will not result in any significant lowering of temperature in homes
The fixed broadband connection will not be available during a power cut and there may also be disruptions in mobile connections depending on the extent of the cut.

If you have not been notified in advance of a power cut, you can check the disruption notifications of your electricity distribution company for information about the extent and duration of the power cut.

When the power returns

  • Be moderate in how you use your electrical equipment so that the power will not be cut off again due to a sudden peak in demand.
  • Make sure your cooker is not switched on.
  • Check the contents of your freezer. Food that has defrosted but is at fridge temperature can still be used, but make sure you use it right away. Do not eat defrosted food if the packaging is broken.
  • Be patient when the power returns as it may take a while for home temperatures to return to normal.
  • Water may not necessarily be available immediately when the power returns. When water starts running again, it may be discoloured or cloudy. Run the tap until the water is clear.

Use the different channels available to follow the information provision concerning power cuts. You will find guidelines on how to prepare for electrical power cuts from sources such as the websites of electricity distribution companies.

Woman sitting on a bedin dim lighting picking jewelry.

Check out our energy saving tips

We can all reduce the risk of electrical power cuts in the coming winter by paying attention to our own energy use.

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