Notification of related party transaction

SATO Corporation's key persons and representatives of related party entities as defined in IFRS standards for financial statements (IAS 24, IAS 28, IFRS 10 and IFRS 11) are asked to follow SATO Corporation's Related Party Instructions.

SATO Corporation's key persons and representatives of related party entities must notify SATO Corporation for approval any transaction between SATO Group companies and related parties well in advance of the transaction.

The decision regarding the approval of the notified related party transaction will be made by
• The Board of Directors of SATO Corporation in the case of a significant related party transaction.
• Chairman of the Board of Directors, CEO or CFO of SATO Corporation in the case of a related party transaction, which is part of SATO's regular business operations or of minor significance, less than EUR 10,000.
If a member of the Board of Directors, the CEO or the CFO, or an entity or family member related to him/her is involved in the transaction, the Board of Directors of SATO Corporation will decide whether to approve the transaction.

The notification must include a description of the related party transaction, its value, its nature and any information that is necessary in order to assess the financial position of SATO Corporation. The notification shall also include information on the parties to the transaction and the envisaged date of transaction, as well as contact details of the notifier.

The free-form notice is requested to be sent to SATO's Compliance Officer by encrypted email to