Room temperature and indoor air

This essence of a home is not visible, but you might have a clue if something is wrong with it. For SATO the indoor conditions of our rental apartments is very important. Here are some tips on how you can take care of your indoor air.

Under current regulations the indoor air of an apartment should be replaced once in two hours. Impurities and humidity are removed via air extract valves. You will find these in the kitchen, toilet, bathroom and walk-in wardrobes. It is very important that you do not change the extract valve settings, since the setting in your home also affect the settings in your neighbours' homes.

Fresh replacement air flows in through air supply valves placed in exterior walls or window frames or through windows that have a section at the top that has been left without sealing.

Healthy room temperature

A healthy room temperature is between +20 and +21 ºC. In bedrooms the temperature should be kept a bit lower.

The temperature of your apartment is adjusted using radiator valves. They sense the air and adjust the apartment temperature accordingly. You can turn the thermostat knob to turn the temperature up or down. Once the correct temperature for the apartment has been found, the thermostat maintains it at an even level. At times the radiator may be cool while the room temperature still remains right. Make sure you never cover the thermostat with curtains or furniture as this will prevent it from functioning properly.

Bathroom/shower room radiators must always be kept switched on to make sure the room dries quickly. Underfloor heating installed in wet rooms must be kept switched on all the time as it keeps the floor dry and may help prevent moisture damage. If the temperature gets too high, you can lower it.

You can use OmaSATO or contact the maintenance company or the House Expert of your home building in other ways if, despite thermostat adjustments, your home continuously feels too cold or hot (especially if the temperature rises above 32 celsius). During a heatwave, unfortunately if your home building does not have a mechanical cooling system, there is not much we can do.

Also contact us, if you can hear a gurgling or hissing noise or if water is dripping from a valve, or if a radiator needs bleeding (if it will not get warm in colder months).

Some tips for heatwaves

Ventilate your home during mornings and nights. If you have a fan, locate it near the open window in order to make the fresh, cooler air circulate around the apartment.

Draw the blinds to up-position and hang curtains to make the room cooler and block the sunrays. Use curtains even when the sun isn’t shining into windows. If you have trouble sleeping during bright summer nights, darkening curtains are a great solution for that.

Prefer natural materials as cotton and linen in your sheets and covers. Natural materials won’t make you sweat like artificial fibres do and they absorb humidity. Use clothing that’s been made from natural materials too.
Remember your pet in this hot weather! Place pet’s bed into a shaded spot and fill up the water bowl with equal intervals.

Avoid taking long, hot showers and don’t use the sauna. Close the bathroom door to keep in the humidity. If possible, do not keep on electric devices such as televisions and computers for too long since they generate warmth. When cooking your meal, avoid using the oven.

For more tips, take a read on this article ›